Blog Posts

Managing the Christmas Holidays

Whilst the Christmas period can be a joyful time for many, it can also bring up difficult feelings, for several reasons: grieving loved ones who

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Exposure Therapy

When we feel anxious or intimidated by something, an immediate reaction is often to avoid. Avoiding something in the short term can feel great! The

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Big T, Little T Trauma (Podcast)

A podcast with our Trauma Specialist Lucinda Gordon-Lennox and Pipa Gordon for her podcast, ‘Inside My Wardrobe’. An excerpt from Pipa: ‘What is trauma? How

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Breathe (Video)

Caroline takes us through how we can feel after taking a deep breath, and has included a video on how we can fully do this

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Finding Your Space (Video)

Emily Phillips, TRC Edinburgh, guides us through this gentle breath and voice exercise aimed at helping us find some space. Take a break from the

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Understanding Body Image (Video)

Caroline Toshack, TRC Edinburgh, guides us through what lockdown may have brought our body image. Is isolation encouraging feelings of ‘not good enough’? Take these

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